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Connecting to Microsoft SQL Server Developer from Tridion Content Delivery

I've recently been setting up a development image for SDL Web 8.5, and as it's only for use on my development rig, it's fair game to use Microsoft SQL Server Developer edition. It's not supported by SDL, but it's close enough to make it a reasonable risk for my purposes. I got the databases set up and the content manager installed OK, so I moved on to the content delivery stack. 

First I hacked together a database test script to make sure I had all the logins correct etc. I've done it this way for years, and you may have seen my blog about it quite a long time ago.  Everything seemed fine. 

I'd started with the Discovery service, and I'd configured the cd_storage_conf.xml with the relevant database settings I'd just tested. How hard could it be? Except that it didn't work. I got messages in the logs telling me to check my firewall. Doh! Off I went and opened up the firewall ports for my microservices (which I'd forgotten to do) and also 1433 for MSSQL. Still no joy. 

Somewhere along the way I'd also disabled loopback checking and double-checked a bunch of other things that can cause trouble. No joy. 

I went back to my database test script a few times. It uses a System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection to execute a simple command. The connection string specifies '(local)' as the server. I'd had trouble with using '(local)' in the cd_storage_conf.xml in a previous version of Tridion, so I had specified 'localhost' instead, and then when that didn't work, a different name that mapped to the same interface. Still nothing. 

The troubling thing was that the test script worked fine. Why was that, when Tridion's java stack had trouble doing the same thing? I should have cottoned on to this way earlier, but eventually I started checking to see if there was actually anything listening on 1433. No there wasn't. Well that helped. And then I started poking around in the network configuration of SQL Server. Sure enough: TCP/IP wasn't enabled. I'm still not sure if this is a Developer edition thing. I seem to recall having come across it before. I'm not the only one. Now that I know the answer, finding a suitable Stack Overflow answer is easy! Maybe I'd had trouble with SQLEXPRESS. 

Anyway, at least that explained why my test script worked OK. The SqlConnection client sees '(local)' and is then able to attempt a named pipes or shared memory connection as well as TCP/IP. The java client, on the other hand, doesn't have this repertoire of options and if TCP/IP fails, it's over.

Anyway - now it's fixed. Just time for a quick Note To Self, and on with the rest of my system. 

Upgrading SDL Web Microservices - don't copy new over old

Posted by Dominic Cronin at Feb 16, 2017 08:45 PM |

I've just broken my Tridion system. I had a perfectly good SDL Web 8.1.1 installation, and I've broken it upgrading to 8.5. This is really annoying. I'm gritting my teeth as I type this, and trying not to actively froth at the mouth. It's annoying for two reasons: 

  1. The documentation told me to 
  2. I got burned exactly the same way going form 8.1 to 8.1.1 and I don't seem to have learned my lesson. 

So what exactly am I ranting about? Let me explain. 

Take the discovery service as an example, but the same thing applies to the other services. Look at the documentation for Upgrading the Discovery Service. Check out the highlighted line below: 

Upgrading the discovery service

Doing this goes against the grain for anyone with experience of setting up servers. Copying a clean "known good" situation over a possibly dirty implementation and expecting it to work is asking for trouble. I'd never have written these instructions myself. What on earth was I thinking when I blindly followed them? 

The service directory that you're attempting to overwrite contains a lib directory full of jars, and a services directory containing yet two more directories of jars. What you want to do is replace the jars with their new versions. This would be fine if all the jars had the same name as before, and there weren't any that shouldn't be there any more. As it is, the file names include their version numbers, so you end up with both versions of everything, like this: 

This results in messages like "Class path contains multiple SLF4J bindings" and ensures that your services don't start. The solution is simple enough. Go to the various directories, and make sure that they contain only the jars from the 8.5 release. 

Fortunately, I'm still feeling very positive about the folks at SDL in the wake of having received the MVP award again. I suppose I'll forgive them.... once I finish cleaning up the rest of my services. 

Update: After posting this fairly late last night, it's now not even lunch time the following day, and I've already been informed that SDL have seen this, and are already taking action to update the documentation. That's pretty good going. Thanks