JRE/JDK 6u29 doesn't work with Tridion content delivery and MSSQL
I've just spent an excessive amount of time trying to get Content Delivery set up on my SDL Tridion 2011 SP1 image. I couldn't get the HttpUpload web page working, no matter how much I tweaked the various settings. Then I gave up on that and tried setting up a deployer service instead. Still no joy; it wouldn't start. Fortunately I was able to call on my friends in the Tridion community, and Nuno Linhares came up with the answer. It turns out that the specific update of Java I had installed somehow doesn't get along with some of the other pieces in the puzzle. According to Nuno, it had something to do with using MSSQL as well, but frankly, I was just pleased to find that when I uninstalled 6u29 and installed 6u30, everything worked fine. Thanks Nuno.